Our Platforms
Our team is proud to be a part of the Communities we serve!

Featuring local & national news, sports, weather, feel good stories, the most comprehensive community events calendar as well as a great place to keep up with everything going on in and around the Sault Ste. Marie area. Visit https://SaultOnline.com

ONNtv is one of the first local television stations in Canada to break away from traditional cable and satellite broadcasting in favour of Over The Top (OTT). Simply put, we are broadcasting ONNtv to you via the internet. Visit http://ONNtv.ca

A sister site to SaultOnline.com, myAlgoma.ca focuses on local news, feel good stories, sports, weather, events, entertainment as well as great way to keep up with everything happening in and around the Algoma District. Visit myAlgoma.ca
Providing exposure for a wealth of local talent, helping to inspire creative minds and highlighting individuals who make our communities such an awesome place to live! Have a project you could use some help with or a story to share?